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The Importance of Hindu Ring Ceremony Invitations

The ring ceremony is a significant pre-wedding ritual in the Hindu religion sometimes called a Mangni or Sagai. During this ceremony, the intended bride and groom are formally betrothed in front of friends and family members. Unlike in the Western tradition, where the exchange of rings is compulsory, this is not the case in Hindu practice. A ring ceremony is also a pledge exchanged between both families. To ensure that well-wishers witness this happy occasion, bright and colorful ring ceremony invitations are sent out.

Outlined below are some of the cultural traditions practiced by various Hindu communities across India:

Kashmiri Pundits:

Ring ceremony is called a Kasamdry. During this function, the family priest fixes a date for the marriage according to the Kashmiri calendar. The elders of both families meet to exchange flowers and formalize their grandchildren’s betrothal. This is followed by a festive meal served to the groom’s family.

Ring Ceremony Invitations


In the Himachali tradition, ring ceremony is called a Thaka or Roka. It is a formal announcement of the wedding ceremony. The father of the groom is accompanied by a pundit when he visits the bride’s home. He presents her with clothing and jewellery and offers blessings.


A formal ring ceremony in Punjabi tradition is called Shagan. This occasion may occur a few months or just a few days before the wedding. It occurs at the groom’s residence. During this occasion, the bride’s family will visit with gifts of dry fruits, clothing, and sweets. This marks the betrothal between the bride and groom.


The Marwari ring ceremony is called the Mudha Tikka. In this function, the groom’s family will visit the bride’s family with a silver plate containing items for a ceremonial puja. These items include a Diya, sindoor, gold ring, sweets, and flowers. Gifts for the bride include a lehenga and some jewellery. The ceremony begins when the sister of the groom places a tikka in the bride’s hair and feeds her sweets.

Engagement Invitations


In the Rajput tradition, this is called a Tilak ceremony. Their practice is same as the Marwaris except that along with an engagement ring, the groom is presented with either a sword or its replica.


In Gujarat, the ring ceremony is called a Gor Dhana. The bride is accompanied by her family as they visit the groom’s residence. Gifts of clothing, sweets, and cash are presented to the groom. Rings are exchanged and blessings from elders are sought.


In Marathi tradition, the ring ceremony is called Sakhar Puda. This is the first puja related to the wedding which is performed by both bride and groom’s families together. At the end of this puja, both families feed each other sugar to formalize the union of the couple.


Called the Nichayathartham, the ring ceremony starts with worshiping Lord Ganesha. This is followed by the exchange of gifts and clothing between both families. Both the bride and groom then change into their new attire and talk and Chandan is applied. The couple exchange engagement rings and seeks blessings from both families.

Hindu ring ceremony celebrations are as diverse and colorful as the land itself. To order your ring ceremony invitations, visit Indian Wedding Card.

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