Indian Wedding Card

Getting The Best Indian Wedding Cards For Marriages

Top 6 Cool Superlative Wedding Invitation Etiquette

Weddings are a lot fun to prepare. Sending the invitation card to each and every person in the guest list is a real demanding job. You have to be sure about addressing all of the guests formally in your wedding invitation card. The quick tips to make your wedding invitation card an outstandingly notable and catchy one are as follows.

1.  Save the Dates:

More time should be buffered to long distant guests or in case the wedding is destined somewhere else. Everyone has to plan that extra leeway to participate in the wedding and sending a “save the date” two to three month earlier is an intelligent step. The final wedding invitation could be sent before good six to eight weeks before the wedding date obviously with a request of R.S.V.P. request. This helps finalizing the actual head count of the guests and the guests also find it as an appreciating gesture.

Wedding Invitation Card

2.  Being creative with the invitation card design:

The newest trends are the designer wedding cards invitations featuring invisible inks, telegrams and other fun ideas. Being innovative should be backed up by serious and complete invitation notes on the invitation cards which pertains all the detailed information. The couples names along with the wedding date should be distinguished and illustrious in the “save the dates”, venue could be missed if yet not decided. Couples who make their wedding websites can share the website URL in these notes.

3.  Keeping it sweet and simple:

The full names of the wedding couple and the hosts (in case they are different), wedding date, venue and time should be included in the Wedding invitations properly. In case children are not invited for the occasion it should be conveyed by mentioning the names of the guests on the invitations. Other information of registration, wedding theme, dress code etc could be provided in the couple’s wedding website.

4.  Detailing all minor but necessary information:

All small but important information like the street address, the post office, apartment numbers and all should be mentioned in details. This helps outstation guests to make them comfortable with the city.

wedding cards

5.  The name game:

Writing the names of the guests on envelops in a fashionable manner is an art. Married couples in the guest list could be addressed as “Mr. and Mrs.” Followed by the husband’s full name. Woman who keeps their maiden names should be addressed separately after their husband’s name. Unmarried couples living together should be separately named one after another in the same invitation card.

6.  Mentioning the titles of the guests:

When the wife is a doctor by profession, the lady’s full name will come first, for example “Doctor Samantha Richard and Mr. Bret Richard.” Similarly when the husband is a doctor by profession, the titles will appear slightly different, for example, “Doctor Bret Richard and Mrs Samantha Richard.” In case both the both husband and wife are doctors, the name on the envelope will say “Drs. Samantha and Bret Richard.” Single woman should be addressed as Ms and if below 21, then Miss.

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